Modern Foreign Languages
Services and Commitment
We are here to share what we experience around the world. We visited and lived in many countries. We lived the dream you have right now and we want your dream to became true!
We offer on-line classes, 1 to 1 lessons at your own space and time. We prepare you for your next exams. We have experience in Science, Math, Geography, History, British Literature, Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar, and much more.
Traveling, cultures, cooking, foods and wines are our knowlegde, too! We are here to teach you about many thinks that will help you, in your future.
You just have to tell us what you are interested in, and we will provide lessons around that subject.
We will teach you not just another language but everything you should know to prepare yourself for your bright future.
We are very committed therefore, we would like you to share with your friends your experience with us.
Became billingual and multilingual at any age! We know the best route!

Spain and Spanish Language
The language is spoken around the world, in every country from Central America, South America and also North America. Lots of cultures, foods and wines, too. Amazing places to visit and live in, and amazing people to meet.

Italy and Italian Language
Great food, great wine, great places, great people and you have to speak italian to fully enjoy it all! Speak italian and go to Italy, then you will know more of how to eat healthy, how to live healthy and how to fulfill your own life with love.

United Kingdom, Unites States, Canada, and English Language
How many of you know that English is spoken around the world?
Speaking English will help you to live and work in many countries however, you have to speak, read, write and understand the language well in order to get the job you diserve.

France, Switzerland, Belgium and French Language
Many of you heard of Paris! Well, France is the place where you eat great croissants, drink great wines, and eat amazing food overall. The best chefs in the world have lived and worked in France. And the history of fine food started there, too.